Thursday, June 10, 2010

Introduction and Status two weeks in

I'm sorry I didn't start posting anything until nearly halfway through my trip, but late is better than never. And I didn't have the idea of using a blog until just now, so here we go!

For those of you who don’t know, I am serving right now as a missionary in Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominican Republic, and will be here until June 27th. Specifically, I am a summer staff member for an organization called Mission Emanuel, which serves two communities in the western part of Santo Domingo (called Cielo and Nazaret). I spent a week here in March working with this same ministry and had a wonderful time. From that experience I was able to see that this is a perfect opportunity for me to work with a Christ-centered ministry, experience longer-term missions, and really get to know and serve an amazing place and its people. I was also able to see that Mission Emanuel really is committed to the long term redemption – physical and spiritual – of the area where it works, and much has changed for the better through its actions and God’s help. It started with just one Dominican couple who began a school in 1992 with 23 students. Now it has become a full fledged community development mission, having built a church, 2 schools, a medical and dental clinic, a water purification facility (which purifies about 10,000 gallons of water a day), a baseball field, playgrounds, and many homes. They have a big focus on long-term relationships with the people there, which is where much of the real spiritual and emotion healing and salvation occurs, not the buildings and supplies (though the two really must go hand in hand). As a summer staffer I am helping with construction projects; supervising, helping, working with American groups; serving, talking to, playing with the Dominicans (especially the children); going to the Dominican church; participating in daily devotions; getting to know the other staff; and a variety of other random tasks.

So far I am having an absolutely wonderful time and have been thoroughly convinced that this is where God wants me. The other staff members are great (although some of them still aren’t here yet), and we clicked as a group really quickly and started having fun right away. I also love the devotions we have been able to have, which have been varied discussions which have soon left the superficial behind, leaving us all challenged. The Christiansons, the couple who are heading up the summer staff, are also amazing (we call them Mom and Dad). No matter how much I feel like I will come down here and not be changed or pushed, it always happens, and I certainly already have felt God working.

Lots of details concerning the Dominican Republic and what we are doing and learning will soon be forthcoming. Right now, though, I feel like it’s most important to tell you about what we did this past Monday while it is fresh in my mind, because it may be one of the most important experiences I have here, and one which most needs to be recorded for others to learn about. That experience is our trip to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. (see next post)

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